Package App

Class VirtualCasino

All Implemented Interfaces:
ImageObserver, MenuContainer, Serializable, Accessible, RootPaneContainer, WindowConstants

public class VirtualCasino extends JFrame
These projects simulate a Casino width 3 games - Slot Machine - Horse Run - Black Jack this file is Core of Virtual Casino. It calls any part of casino and pass instance or data in to other component classes
Alessio Sarica, Maurizio Napoli, Jiamin Miao, Cristian Stringari GitHub Code
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • VirtualCasino

      public VirtualCasino()
      This constructor creates a frame and setting a base option and delegate to style the method init()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init()
      This method used automatically when you call a constructor. The scope is generated any component of page Es. JLabel with style, Class Menu...
    • login

      public void login()
      This method setting visible menu and hide component Access in auth
    • logout

      public void logout()
      This method setting visible the component Access in auth and another component to hide
    • setShop

      public void setShop()
      This method setting visible the component Shop in shop and other components to hide then setting the credit of user in a JLabel public with JSON Method passing user authentication
    • setSlotMachine

      public void setSlotMachine()
      This method setting a visible Slot Machine component in slotMachine and other components to hide Then setting credit of user in a JLabel public with JSON Method passing user authentication
    • setCorsaCavalli

      public void setCorsaCavalli()
      This method setting visible the component CorsaCavalli in corsaCavalli and other to hide Then set in a JLabel public the credit of user with JSON Method passing user authentication
    • setBlackJack

      public void setBlackJack()
      This method setting visible the BlackJack component in blackJack and another component to hide Then set the coin of user to a public JLabel wit JSON Method passing user authentication
    • getIsSelected

      public String getIsSelected()
      This method return what component is selected
      string of name the component
    • setEmail

      public void setEmail(String email)
      This method called at login passing the email of user and repave full name used to authenticate of JSON Method
      email - passing an email when user access to the app
    • main

      public static void main(String[] args)