All Classes and Interfaces
This custom component used to authenticate user with an email and password this is 1 part of Virtual Casino
This custom service allows authenticating user with JSON File
This custom component Represents a Black Jack game with an internal component connected to backend file in package:
This class represents a Card of black jack extending a JLabel
This class represents a Horse extending JLabel
This custom component used to create a Horse Run game and connected to a Virtual Casino
This class used to create image of symbol on slot machine grid extending a JLabel
This service use to manipulate a JSON File with custom class method
This class rapper-sent a logic of the game
This custom component contains a menu section of app it connected to Virtual Casino
This class used to create a logic
This custom component manage Shop of fish
This custom component manages a Slot machine game and connected to Virtual Casino File
This class represents a table of game with abstract action then send an instruction what used to gui
These projects simulate a Casino width 3 games
- Slot Machine
- Horse Run
- Black Jack
this file is Core of Virtual Casino.