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readSaldo(String, String) - Static method in class backend.json.JsonEdit
This static method use to red credit of user passing an identification of user to search
register(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, double) - Static method in class backend.auth.Autenticazione
This method allow to registration user-passing data to be written on JSON File and check if user already exists
remove() - Method in class blackJack.BlackJack
This method removes component on table after play
remove() - Method in class corsaCavalli.CorsaCavalli
This method removes components to game area to next game
remove() - Method in class slotMachine.SlotMachine
This method removes components before start a new game
reset() - Method in class backend.blackjack.Logic
This method reset logic data of used card
result(int) - Method in class blackJack.BlackJack
This method is used to calculate a result of match and refresh credit re a Pop-up message of a result
run() - Method in class backend.corsaCavalli.Cavallo
This is a method for thread that execute clinically chance the image for simulating running to end
run() - Method in class backend.corsaCavalli.Pista
This is a method run for thread to use to playing a game
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form